DL SERVICES : As independent designers, we cater to our customers wishes, actively participating in new building and modernization / refit projects, putting together food flow concepts, lay-out designs with itemized budgeted equipment specifications, turnkey specifications and installation...


About Marine Catering Expo

June 18-20, 2019 at the Miami Beach Convention Center,

26th of March 2019

Taking place June 18-20, 2019 at the Miami Beach Convention Center, Marine Catering Expo will welcome interior designers, outfitters, architects, hotel operations, F&B professionals, executive chefs, and specifiers of galley equipment, giving them the opportunity to meet face-to-face with the entire marine catering supply chain. Co-located with Cruise Ship Interiors Expo, the event will host a show floor of more than 200+ suppliers, as well as the Marine Catering Forum, featuring industry leading speakers and product demonstrations.

For more information on the world-first event, please visit the Marine Catering Expo website or email info@marinecatering-expo.com

» marinecatering-expo.com