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HOME » Bakery & Pastry Equipment » Proofer » Proofing Cabinet Sveba Dahlen

Proofing Cabinet Sveba Dahlen


General description

With Fermatic Prover it’s possible to start each day with first-rate baking – Fermatic does the proving job while
the crew is asleep!



  • Saves on both time and labor. If the prover is loaded the day before, the proving process is complete by the time the workers arrive for the day.
  • The control panel controls all processes in the cabinet and ensures the dough is protected against drying out and is handled as carefully as possible. This gives the baker greater freedom and the ability to adjust times and settings to suit their workday and pace.
  • Manufactured inside and out in stainless steel. Compact and stable cabinet design.
  • Easily opened and self-closing doors with ergonomic handles all along their length. Facilitates the workers stress on the body.
  • Large capacity air temperature unit. Handles large volumes.
  • Well-insulated, bolted floor in strong 3 mm stainless steel sheeting. This protects the room's floor against wear, further reduces energy, and minimizes condensation on the floor, making it easier to keep clean.


  • Water filter
