DL SERVICES : As independent designers, we cater to our customers wishes, actively participating in new building and modernization / refit projects, putting together food flow concepts, lay-out designs with itemized budgeted equipment specifications, turnkey specifications and installation...
The largest number of Ice types available “under one roof”…!
When it comes to ice forms and sizes, Scotsman Ice believes in “freedom of choice!”
Ten different shapes of ice, for a total of twenty different types of ice to choose from: this is Scotsman Ice, meaning of “freedom of choice”! Each of the different types of ice is meant to meet and fulfill a specific requirement. They are produced by inherently different ice making machines. In order to serve the “perfect drink”, crystal-clear, pure, transparent and full cubes are preferable, to avoid “watering down” the drinks. In detail: a hollow cube, a "cube with the hole" will offer a larger heat exchange surface than a massive cube, which in turn will cause the cube to melt quicker. Hollow cubes usually melt prior to the average consumption time of the drink. Very quick cooling of the drink will therefore occur, as well as its premature warming up once the ice cubes have melted.
A full cube, on the contrary, will chill the drink reflecting the consumption pattern: promptly, but not abruptly, durably and not prematurely, preserving the drink quality rather than diluting it. Massive cubes will last through the drink and more, for the enjoyment of those who love chewing on the ice cubes “left-overs”…
Quality, quality, quality!
Ice and Quality of Service walk hand in hand.
Food and Drinks freshness, alongside with an impeccable presentation, must rely on appropriate and generous usage of ice in any of the Ship Restaurants & Bars.
On any Cruise Ship, ice is used continuously throughout the day: in the Buffet and “à la Carte” Restaurant, in the Lounge Bar, in the Spa and in all the Outdoors Activity Areas refreshments centers, for the Room Service …
“Ice” is today a synonym of “quality” e “Passion for the Customer”. It is therefore relevant to fully understand the various available ice-types, as well as the different kinds of ice machines, each one designed to produce a specific type of ice.
It is not by chance that water is frozen in various shapes and forms: Cubes (in different shapes and sizes), Granules (more or less compressed, hence moist or dry, called flake and super-flake), Compressed (up to 92% of frozen water, called nugget and cubelet), and, last but not least, sub-cooled Scale ice, the most “technical” of all ice shapes available today.
Each ice form melts, and therefore subtracts heat from the product it is in contact with, over a different period of time and with different results in terms of product hydration.
The large variety of models that Scotsman offers is completed by our USPH-S compliant equipment designed for Marine Applications.
Our organization, strong of 60 years of experience in ice machine manufacturing, is ready to supply the best ice shape for your application!
About Scotsman
24th of June 2014
MF SPS 56 USPH “zero clearance” (Space Saver) Super-Flake Ice Machine up to 650 Kg/24h • 18" (460 mm) reduced width, standard depth of 23" 5/8 (600 mm) • Sanitary, USPH-S approved materials - Round-head screws, hand-screws and Stainless-steel - Panels on the outside - In the Food Zone, hex-screws and all materials are certified for utilization in food areas according to USPH-S...
Scotsman Ice Srl
Via Lainate, 31 - 20010 Pogliano Milanese - Milan - Italy
Tél: +39-02-93960208
Fax: +39-02-93960201